Lindisfarne Gospels – AV installations

Durham University Library / Studio MB

  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_1

    Lindisfarne Gospels Durham was a sell-out summer exhibition staged in Durham’s World Heritage listed Palace Green Library. The exhibition provided a chance to see some of Britain’s most significant medieval manuscripts alongside Anglo-Saxon treasures.

    ISO created three AV installations for the exhibition, telling the story of the Lindisfarne Gospels and early Christianity in Britain.

  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_3

    Animated Films

    We commissioned bespoke illustrations from David Rooney to form the basis of two animated films. One explores the rise of Christianity across Britain, while the other chronicled the dramatic journey of the gospel, St Cuthbert and his community from the Holy Island to Durham.

  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_5
  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_6
  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_7
  • AV2_TheJourney_h264 (
  • AV2_TheJourney_h264 (0.01.16
  • AV2_TheJourney_h264 (0.01.26
  • AV2_TheJourney2_1000px
  • AV2_TheJourney_h264 (0.02.52
  • AV2_TheJourney_h264 (0.02.59
  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_15_cropped

    Immersive Gospel

    Using high-resolution scans of the gospel, we created an immersive dual screen installation to give the visitor a full overview of the gospel’s dense structure, while simultaneously plunging the visitor into the pages and highlighting the intricate details held within its illuminations.

  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_11_cropped
  • Lindisfarne documentation (i).1320_Lindisfarne_Gospels Documentation_RD_01_17_cropped
  • Exhibition Designers
    Studio MB

    David Rooney

    WMP Studios

    Prof. Richard Gameson
    (Durham University)

    Additional Credits &
    Project Information
